Are you a fit individual? Well come and join us and we'll see how fit you really are. We use whole body movement utilising all kinds of equipment from; the natural environment, logs, rocks, to olympic lifting, kettlebells, ropes, tyres and our own bodies to push ourselves to physical and mental limits!


What's it all about

CFS Extreme Fitness is an elite movement in the world of fitness gimmicks and fads!
We aren't a budget gym with people crammed onto expensive equipment like battery hens!
We aren't a flash health club charging you a fortune for services and facilities you'll never use!
We aren't a Personal Trainer getting you to stand on one leg with one eye closed claiming it's functional!
We are experienced coaches from the fitness industry who believe that hard work will get results!
We have no gimmicks if you're prepared to work then you will enjoy what we offer and reep the rewards!

Be under no illusion if you sign up to CFS Extreme you will test your physical and mental capacity every time you attend.

We do have a basic physical requirement to give you an idea of the level CFS Extreme workouts you will need this level of performance.  This does not exclude you from joining ......But you have been warned!

1.5 x body weight dead lift
1 x body weight back squat (full depth)
10 strict pull ups
20 continuous press ups
2 continuous 15ft rope climbs
1 km run time of sub 5 minutes
5 km run time of sub 25 minutes

1 x body weight deadlift
3/4 x body weight squat (full depth)
5 strict pull ups
15 continuous press ups
1 15ft rope climb
1 km run time of sub 7 minutes
5 km run time of sub 27 minutes

If you can't contact CFS